Know Us Better



The Recovery 1 programs are designed to facilitate learning and
growth in various areas crucial in the life of a man. Here are the
building blocks for the 12 month plan of The Recovery 1 approach to
growth and development. The programs are designed to instruct 14 –
24 fathers and sons combined. If in fact a father of the participant is a
non-participator, Recovery 1 is committed to mentor and counsel the
young man through the process to completion. These programs are a
part of the rebuilding component that’s vital in the development
process of the participants. All facets of these programs again are
biblically based. The seven systems of the Recovery 1 program speak
to the heart of what this unique organization is all about! The
culminating event at the conclusion of the seven course system is a
graduation ceremony and consecration service.

The seven system component of Recovery 1
1. The Bible and Me
2. The Buddy based system
3. The Rites of Passage
4. Higher Learning GED Programs (if applicable)
5. Finance and the Economy
6. All hands on deck
7. Discipleship and Ownership

The Recovery One concept is to incorporate the word of God in the framework of
everything. Yes, the reflection of Christ is an assurance of the truest reflection of a
pure conscious ready to learn and grow in a multifaceted way. The Recovery One
father/son approach is to help assist in the recovery of the broken father son

relationship or to provide support for the established relationship between father
and son. The third scenario is that Recovery One will provide mentorship and
support for the young men whose fathers are absentee. No age limit to be apart
of the Recovery One Project Program. Participants of the program are from
different backgrounds, ethnicities, and social economic status. The participants of
the program will need to fulfill all of the requirements to become a graduate of
the Recovery One Project Program higher learning/education plan. The education
plan also is free to all participants and is sponsored with particular guidelines
geared to help facilitate growth in todays competitive job market. The overall
importance of employment and market readiness can not be overstated as it
relates to personal growth and development.